Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This Christmas Time

  As Christmas time approaches, do you catch yourself wondering where time is going?  It's another Christmas, we're a year older, and what does this past year have to say for itself?  Have you changed?  Has your priorities changed?  Did something crazy happen to you this year that changed your life forever?
     As this Christmas approaches, I see a different girl when I look into the mirror.  So many things have happened this year that has changed my life forever.  I've begun to realize how special family, and the time we have with them is.  How everything, no matter how well planned and thought out, is still in His hands.  I've realized how little control I have over my life, and how I really just need to lay it all at His feet.  This Christmas, I really don't want anything... but I want to know that life's going to be okay, I wanna know my foster brother is ours forever, I wanna know my soon-to-be siblings in Haiti are coming home, I wanna know that we're going to have a more certain coming year.  So many things that I used to wish for, like the iPhone and the newest whatever, have completely lost their sparkle to me.  I wanna know that, someday, there will be no orphans crying from loneliness and hunger, that all our tears and sin will be washed away, that life, as we know it, will no longer have fear and hate.  For the first time in all my life, that's all I want.  In so many ways, He's given me that hope of eternal life, but my human self still feels empty at times.  I read of His promise, His love and His faithfulness... but this Christmas, I want to celebrate all of that for what it is!  I don't want to be excited about good food, or presents, I want to be excited about the gift of Christ's birth, promise and plan!  Why not rejoice because of the Father's faithfulness?  Isn't that what this is all about?  He's the 'reason for the season', so why don't we recognize that?!?  Forget the gifts, forget the pies, and rejoice in all that He has given you... life, family, friends, faith, hope in tomorrow, salvation and peace in knowing it's all in His hands!  That is what I am bursting with this season, so pardon me if I don't get too jacked about presents this year.  There is so much more to life than stuff!  So why do we measure our family's love by the type of present they get us, or how much they put into hosting us?!?  Why don't we rejoice in having a family to love, and spend Christmas getting to know the people we have, in many ways, grown apart from?  Family was God's gift to Jesus, so let us rejoice in receiving such a gift as the Messiah received!  Give thanks for He is good and His mercy endures forever!  Find a way this Christmas to concentrate on the little blessings... you may find the thing you've been searching for since the beginning.  It won't be wrapped, it won't have mouth watering smells drifting from it, but it will fill you up!

Much love and a merry Christmas!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Target Practice

Have you ever felt that, the moment you try to do things right, you become this huge target for strife and failure?  Do you know why?  The devil is fine as long as your roots are shallow and you say you're a Christian, but don't really walk the talk.  When you start to grow, spread your roots and think for yourself, he has a problem!  You become bombarded with all sorts of setbacks, failures and discouragements, but what can you do?  Keep pushing on, keep keeping on, and NEVER give up!  Jesus said that 'for the sake of my name you will be persecuted, ridiculed and even killed... but your treasure is in Heaven."  So where does that leave us?  When we're down, discouraged and ready to throw in the towel, remember what Christ said and persevere.  For His sake, you will live forever in paradise.  As hard as that is to wrap your mind around when you are 'in the moment', it is true and encouraging.  I'm facing a few of those speed bumps right now.  I know the devil wants me to cave, and I know that that would be the easy way out, but because of prayer, supportive friends and a plan, I'm trying to fight that fight Jesus talked about.  So much of my materialistic life has been sacrificed for Him... but there's something else that I can't lay my finger on.  You see, although I've given all this up for Him, it feels like I'm still holding on to one last thing... what that is I haven't discovered, but I pray I do soon.  Imagine this... You have the keys of your life in your hand.  You're griping them tight and you don't want to let go.  All of a sudden, this hand, bigger than yours, reaches out and gestures for the keys.  You resist, not wanting to lose control, but the hand persists.  Finally, you dump some keys into its hand, yet the hand remains.  You look down into the palm of your hand and there, to your surprise, lies one last key.  Not all the keys were willingly given to the hand because you felt you still needed to control this one last key... the Father asks that you give ALL of your life's keys to him, but sometimes, we don't.  That's me.  Although I've given so many life keys to Him, there are still a few I'm griping in my hand.  Why I have no idea!  What they are is somewhat a mystery as well, but I pray that He open my heart and eyes to realize what that last key is.  If you're in the same boat, you can pray this as well.  He wants to help, but He is not a forceful Father.  He will always be there, waiting until we're ready to place that last key in His hand. :)  "Let go, let God."

Peace-<3-Let Go


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day, treasure your family, your life and your blessings.  Find joy and peace in the simple things.  It's not about what you have, but who you're with.  Watch football, stuff yourselves and enjoy being you!  There are those priceless moments in life where you feel complete, and the holidays have always been that for me.

Traveling to Haiti to see my siblings, I found peace and comfort in the little things.  They taught me a valuable lesson, because joy doesn't come in owning everything, it comes with owning nothing and seeking Him.  They are so alive with a love for Christ, because He's the only one who's ever loved them.  They don't have parents to hold them, to wipe their tears, to tuck them in at night... all they have is their Heavenly Father, and He is with them always. :)  So on this Thanksgiving, stop and observe your family around the table, the food the flows over your counters, the blessings that fill your life, and think about the ones that have never seen such a sight and yet still treasure this day to be thankful... for the simple things. :)

God bless you and your families on this day, and may you always find something to be thankful for!



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

True Friendship!

A friend of mine sent this verse to me a couple of days ago, & I would like to share it with you all as well.  At the time, I was contemplating my friendships with different peers.  When it comes to friendship or commitment, I am cautious and careful.  I don't want to let myself slip into a friendship that may not be good for me.  Both sides deserve the best, so I have this thing about rushing into any type of relationships.  The true friend, or spouse, that is meant for me someday will have that same strategy.  She/he will not be turned off or discouraged by my cautiousness, but instead, treasure the fact that I am keeping the two of us in mind when I take things slow.  Ever jump into a friendship & find out later you should of looked into the person you were hanging out with before the 'big jump'??  Me too!  However, we are all learning and there is never a too late... at least... not in God's book! ;) Peace, <3, Watchful

Sirach 6:5-17

5 Pleasant speech multiplies friends,
   and a gracious tongue multiplies courtesies.
6 Let those who are friendly with you be many,
   but let your advisers be one in a thousand.
7 When you gain friends, gain them through testing,
   and do not trust them hastily.
8 For there are friends who are such when it suits them,
   but they will not stand by you in time of trouble.
9 And there are friends who change into enemies,
   and tell of the quarrel to your disgrace.
10 And there are friends who sit at your table,
   but they will not stand by you in time of trouble.
11 When you are prosperous, they become your second self,
   and lord it over your servants;
12 but if you are brought low, they turn against you,
   and hide themselves from you.
13 Keep away from your enemies,
   and be on guard with your friends. 

14 Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter:
   whoever finds one has found a treasure.
15 Faithful friends are beyond price;
   no amount can balance their worth.
16 Faithful friends are life-saving medicine;
   and those who fear the Lord will find them.
17 Those who fear the Lord direct their friendship aright,
   for as they are, so are their neighbours also. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your Voice!

     Hey bloggers!  Ever have one of those days where you feel like you have something to say, but no one to listen??  Well, if you have, you're not alone!  We all have a voice that we have been given by our Heavenly Father.  How we use it, when we use it, and who we share it with are up to us.  Sharing your voice can be a leap of faith and you need His strength and support to jump.  Remember, He'll catch you, but you have to JUMP first. :)  Sure, you may be rejected!  Sure, that person you tried to share your voice with may not want to hear!  However, all these speed bumps are placed in your path by the devil... they're called discouragement.  It took a lot of courage for you to speak your mind and share your words, right??  So by throwing a big, fat FAIL in your face, the devil is trying to turn your courage into discourage.  Don't back down!  Stand your ground and keep screaming!  Eventually your words will run across the right person. :)  You never know who needs to hear your voice, so just don't stop speaking!  This can be in your actions and reactions as well, peeps!  That's right!  You know that we don't just sin physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.  Your voice will shine through from your soul, so keep a check on those thoughts.  When you are thinking about that guy or girl across the room, what is that doing to your soul??  Are you dirty or clean at that moment??  If you think about it, you could be thinking those thoughts about somebody else's future wife or hubby!  YOW!  When we think sinful thoughts about each other, we are committing a form of adultery.  No, adultery doesn't just apply to the married couples, but to us as well.  If you are thinking lustfully about someone else's future spouse, you ARE committing adultery.  Can we completely help it?... No.  However, when we admit that we are imperfect and weak... that we need the Father's help... we become new and clean again.  We're given the strength to resist temptation.  Does that take the temptation away??  No.  Does it better equip us in facing the temptation??  Yes!  So, lets try to help each other out.  Think about it...
     Girls, when you are picking out your outfit for the day, think... "How would my future husband want me to present myself?... Would he want me tempting other men by the way I portray myself?  In fact... do I want to be tempting other women's future husbands?!"  Always keep in mind the man that God has in your plan.  In everything you do, think of him.  You may not know who he is, his name, or what he looks like, but he's out there.  As women of faith, we should respect ourselves enough not to dress in tempting ways, and be strong enough not to lower our standards in a way that reflects Delilah's decisions.  Who we will become in the future starts with who we decide to be today.  Actions, boys, parties etc. can lead to extreme alterations of our dreams.    We must always keep that plan in the back of our minds.  With everything we do, we must ask, "How will this effect my plan?"  Each of us was made in the image of God, show the world Him through your actions.
     Guys, when you are checking a girl out, think of this... That could be some other guy's future wife.  Not only are you making a move on someone else's girl, but you are selling your future wife short.  How special will she be to you if you've experimented with Sarah, Sally and Sandy??  Not so special, and certainly not your first.  When you are holding her, telling her how much you love her, do you want to be thinking about those girls as you are saying it?  Real special! Not!  Think about it.  As teen guys, you face a lot of trials and temptations with girls alone!  Each girl you come in contact with can be a different form of temptation for you.  Whether or not you know this when you meet her is one thing, but now, you can be prepared.  Plan ahead.  Think of your dreams... Wife? Family? Kids?  When you are put into a situation as a teen, think upon that plan and ask yourself... "Do they mean enough to me to say 'no'!?"
     Guys... So, is there a safe way to approach girls?  A way to use God's strength to tune out temptation?  Yes!  1)Treat the girls in your life with the respect that a gentleman would.  2)Try not to put yourself in dangerous or tempting situations. (Yes, girls can be vicious and perverted, making them perfect tools for the devil if their hearts are not guarded.  Remember, there are two sides to this table and you can only control your side.  Never feel like all the weight is on you though.  You are not responsible for her actions, but you are responsible for your reactions!).  3)Plan ahead!  Think worst case scenario!  It's always good to be prepared for the worst, so anything less will be rewarding! :)  When you decide to try to do things right, you become a huge target for the devil.  Be prepared, think ahead and stick to the plan!  4)Treat every girl you come in contact with, not only as a sister in Christ, but as someone else's.  Yes, they are God's girl.  Respect that and help them stick to (or make) their own plans by setting an example in faith, love and purity.  You are the man!  Act like it. ;)  We're looking to you as the future leaders of our society... How will you handle that title?  As hard as this may seem, you are not alone, and each of you are in my daily.  You can be that man you aspire to be... not tomorrow, not in ten years... TODAY!          
      If you have already thought ahead to that plan, as I'm sure many of you have, great job!  You are on your way to a happy future.  Marriage and kids can be beautiful within the boundaries that God set for them.  In fact, God is the creator of family and sex.  He told Adam and Eve in the beginning to, "be fruitful and multiply," but that was within the confines of marriage.  One partner, one first, one soulmate.  Outside of marriage, sex and parenthood can be a nightmare!  Think of the happy glow a married couple has, as they share the news of their future child's birth.  All the planning, painting, contemplation of the child's name/gender, what their lives will be like.  They are ready.  Each in a stable condition to commit to their partner, and now, their child.  Then think of the stress and regret a young, unmarried couple experiences when they find out that the girl is pregnant.  What will they do?  How can they make it right?  Are they ready to be parents?  To sacrifice their lives for a newborn?  Can they support each other, let alone a child?  Teen pregnancy can be a struggle and a damper on two bright youth's lives.  Suddenly, there are grown up decisions to be made, bills to be paid, daycare to be arranged, work to find.  It's not quite a bed of roses.  These situations can occur when a couple individually puts something else in the center of their lives.  Popularity, norm, expectations, pleasure or even curiosity.  All these things lead you away from the plan, ultimately leading to heartache and destruction.  It's up to you to plan ahead, or 'wing-it'.  Know, however, that you tread on fragile grounds when dealing with your future.  Don't forget and tread too heavily.
Peace, <3, Plan!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


     A shout out to the confirmation class I had the privilege of speaking to tonight!!  Y'all were amazing and now words can express how thankful I am to each of you for your participation.
     So, lets talk 'Nobody'!  After the amazing discussion tonight, I really hope that you guys understand the name of my blog more.  We sacrifice our worldly pleasures/life for Him... becoming, in someways, the 'world's' nobody.  Truth is... you are SO much more than that!!  You may feel alone, you may feel discouraged... and at times, you may even want to throw in the towel, but remember Who is always there.  He is a never ending, unconditionally loving Father and He will always be there.  God will never tell your secrets, He will never condemn you or look down on you, He will never reject you IF you are willing.  He's not asking for a PERFECT person, He's asking for and IMPERFECT person who is willing to admit it and try!  There are two sides to this deal, He will always do His part, but your part is up to YOU!  We are all facing different challenges... teenage pregnancy, drugs, alcohol, partying, internet etc.... but no matter how different those struggles are, one thing will always connect us, and that's Him!  We are images of the Father, and it's about time we prove that! :)  Be that physical image that the doubting Thomas in your life needs.  Be that kid that glows because you are so IN LOVE with Christ!!  Be the one that's just busting at the seams to spread the word.  Most importantly, BE YOU, the beautiful child He created and gave life to.  God is not a forceful God... He lets YOU choose!  He says, "I Am who I Am... and I will never forsake you.  I AM the one you are searching for, and I'm waiting."  Go to Him and He will catch you.
   Each one of you touched my life tonight, and I pray our paths cross again during this crazy ride, but if they don't... Stick to the plan. ;)  Post with comments, questions, or if you just need to talk.  Got a question??  Ask!  I'll be happy to help in any way I can.  Always ask, "Why?"  If you ever need anything, I'm always here to talk.  Got a prayer request about an upcoming test, event, decision, 'fork in the road'??  Post it and know that I will be praying for you.  Keep it up guys!

Peace, <3, Rebel! ;)


     As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, what are you thankful for this year?  Family, food, friends, indoor plumbing, toys...?   How do our lists compare to those from other countries?
     I visited an orphanage just outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti last May, and as this holiday season approaches, I can't help but think of them.  These kids that sleep three or four to a bed, trade clothes constantly just to try to find something that fits them, who have no mom or dad there to hold and protect them, who have had to grow up WAY too fast because of their circumstances... What are they thankful for this season?  For many of the children who have been placed with a family, they're thankful that there's a hope for tomorrow!  They're thankful for the chance to one day go home to the safe and loving arms of a family that can't wait to hold them.  So many are thankful for the love and protection of Jesus Christ.  They sing their joy and praises for Him every day... "Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump for Jesus!"  Their voices carry through the thin walls of their three story orphanage and they are thankful!  Thankful to be alive when so many of their families were killed; Thankful to have friends so close to them; Thankful for their jump ropes and marbles; Thankful to have each other.  Funny how the things that we pass up as we go through our thankful lists are some of the first things that appear on theirs.  This Thanksgiving, don't forget the simple things, but rejoice and be glad for all that you have!  Try to look a little deeper, to the silent blessings... family, love, hope, forgiveness, sacrifice... and discover something you haven't given much thought to in awhile.  What would our world be like without hope and opportunity?  Without freedom and the ability to speak our minds?  Without the freedom to ask "Why?"?  Without the love and compassion we have for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?  Where would we be?  Or more importantly... WHO would we be without these simple things?  They are our foundation, and they are all gifts from our Heavenly Father.  So... what are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello, Nobody!

Welcome to my page!  This is the first official post from this 'Teenage Nobody' and I'm glad you are reading! When I say 'Nobody'... that's not exactly what I mean.  This name is used as more of a statement in my blog than anything.   It's almost like a rebellion against today's low expectations in itself.  You see, in today's society, the teenager is no longer considered to be as 'responsible' and 'trustworthy' as in times past.  Now we're supposed to be P. Diddy boys with our shorts busting a sag, and slutty girls trying to see how many guys we can get to take a second look.  Is this really WHO we are??  In fact... are we behaving like we even know WHO's we are??  No!  We continually live our lives at the slow, slow rate of low expectations.  Who's going to break the mold?  Are you going wait for someone to do it for you?  How low are you going to allow yourself to drift before you hit rock bottom and decide the world is wrong??  Even for those of us who are struggling to break the mold, the journey is long and draining.  When you have a million people telling you you're doing wrong, and only a couple of people truly supporting you, it gets tough.  If you're reading this, whether you're a 'history maker' or 'wannabe breaker', welcome to your new world of support.  If you want to XPress your feelings, ask a question, or get some advice from teens who know what you are going through and/or people who can help, POST A COMMENT!  We challenge YOU to BREAK the mold with us!  Find that new voice you didn't know existed and USE it!  XPress yourself peeps!  God's given each person a special ability, and THAT's your outlet!  Use what he's given you and reach others with it!  Join the millions of teens who are taking a stand against low expectations and find your VOICE!  It's in there, so don't be shy!  Yeah, you'll have rough days, in fact, you'll have days where you think this is a bunch of bull and you'll want to quit... but then... ask yourself, "WHO am I?"  Part of being an individual is XPressing yourself in your own unique way.  No, it will not be like the norm of the kids at your school, buy YES, it will be YOU!  Stop hiding behind today's trends that will become tomorrow's fiends and be that priceless, never outta style, YOU!  Will you join?