Hey bloggers! Ever have one of those days where you feel like you have something to say, but no one to listen?? Well, if you have, you're not alone! We all have a voice that we have been given by our Heavenly Father. How we use it, when we use it, and who we share it with are up to us. Sharing your voice can be a leap of faith and you need His strength and support to jump. Remember, He'll catch you, but you have to JUMP first. :) Sure, you may be rejected! Sure, that person you tried to share your voice with may not want to hear! However, all these speed bumps are placed in your path by the devil... they're called discouragement. It took a lot of courage for you to speak your mind and share your words, right?? So by throwing a big, fat FAIL in your face, the devil is trying to turn your courage into discourage. Don't back down! Stand your ground and keep screaming! Eventually your words will run across the right person. :) You never know who needs to hear your voice, so just don't stop speaking! This can be in your actions and reactions as well, peeps! That's right! You know that we don't just sin physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Your voice will shine through from your soul, so keep a check on those thoughts. When you are thinking about that guy or girl across the room, what is that doing to your soul?? Are you dirty or clean at that moment?? If you think about it, you could be thinking those thoughts about somebody else's future wife or hubby! YOW! When we think sinful thoughts about each other, we are committing a form of adultery. No, adultery doesn't just apply to the married couples, but to us as well. If you are thinking lustfully about someone else's future spouse, you ARE committing adultery. Can we completely help it?... No. However, when we admit that we are imperfect and weak... that we need the Father's help... we become new and clean again. We're given the strength to resist temptation. Does that take the temptation away?? No. Does it better equip us in facing the temptation?? Yes! So, lets try to help each other out. Think about it...
Girls, when you are picking out your outfit for the day, think... "How would my future husband want me to present myself?... Would he want me tempting other men by the way I portray myself? In fact... do I want to be tempting other women's future husbands?!" Always keep in mind the man that God has in your plan. In everything you do, think of him. You may not know who he is, his name, or what he looks like, but he's out there. As women of faith, we should respect ourselves enough not to dress in tempting ways, and be strong enough not to lower our standards in a way that reflects Delilah's decisions. Who we will become in the future starts with who we decide to be today. Actions, boys, parties etc. can lead to extreme alterations of our dreams. We must always keep that plan in the back of our minds. With everything we do, we must ask, "How will this effect my plan?" Each of us was made in the image of God, show the world Him through your actions.
Guys, when you are checking a girl out, think of this... That could be some other guy's future wife. Not only are you making a move on someone else's girl, but you are selling your future wife short. How special will she be to you if you've experimented with Sarah, Sally and Sandy?? Not so special, and certainly not your first. When you are holding her, telling her how much you love her, do you want to be thinking about those girls as you are saying it? Real special! Not! Think about it. As teen guys, you face a lot of trials and temptations with girls alone! Each girl you come in contact with can be a different form of temptation for you. Whether or not you know this when you meet her is one thing, but now, you can be prepared. Plan ahead. Think of your dreams... Wife? Family? Kids? When you are put into a situation as a teen, think upon that plan and ask yourself... "Do they mean enough to me to say 'no'!?"
Guys... So, is there a safe way to approach girls? A way to use God's strength to tune out temptation? Yes! 1)Treat the girls in your life with the respect that a gentleman would. 2)Try not to put yourself in dangerous or tempting situations. (Yes, girls can be vicious and perverted, making them perfect tools for the devil if their hearts are not guarded. Remember, there are two sides to this table and you can only control your side. Never feel like all the weight is on you though. You are not responsible for her actions, but you are responsible for your reactions!). 3)Plan ahead! Think worst case scenario! It's always good to be prepared for the worst, so anything less will be rewarding! :) When you decide to try to do things right, you become a huge target for the devil. Be prepared, think ahead and stick to the plan! 4)Treat every girl you come in contact with, not only as a sister in Christ, but as someone else's. Yes, they are God's girl. Respect that and help them stick to (or make) their own plans by setting an example in faith, love and purity. You are the man! Act like it. ;) We're looking to you as the future leaders of our society... How will you handle that title? As hard as this may seem, you are not alone, and each of you are in my daily. You can be that man you aspire to be... not tomorrow, not in ten years... TODAY!
If you have already thought ahead to that plan, as I'm sure many of you have, great job! You are on your way to a happy future. Marriage and kids can be beautiful within the boundaries that God set for them. In fact, God is the creator of family and sex. He told Adam and Eve in the beginning to, "be fruitful and multiply," but that was within the confines of marriage. One partner, one first, one soulmate. Outside of marriage, sex and parenthood can be a nightmare! Think of the happy glow a married couple has, as they share the news of their future child's birth. All the planning, painting, contemplation of the child's name/gender, what their lives will be like. They are ready. Each in a stable condition to commit to their partner, and now, their child. Then think of the stress and regret a young, unmarried couple experiences when they find out that the girl is pregnant. What will they do? How can they make it right? Are they ready to be parents? To sacrifice their lives for a newborn? Can they support each other, let alone a child? Teen pregnancy can be a struggle and a damper on two bright youth's lives. Suddenly, there are grown up decisions to be made, bills to be paid, daycare to be arranged, work to find. It's not quite a bed of roses. These situations can occur when a couple individually puts something else in the center of their lives. Popularity, norm, expectations, pleasure or even curiosity. All these things lead you away from the plan, ultimately leading to heartache and destruction. It's up to you to plan ahead, or 'wing-it'. Know, however, that you tread on fragile grounds when dealing with your future. Don't forget and tread too heavily.
Peace, <3, Plan!
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