Wednesday, December 28, 2011

When No One Wants to Hear You...

As a teen, or young person in general, you probably know that many people factor our age into our ability to think, feel, and XPRESS ourselves.  My message to you today is this: If you are being persecuted for your age, if you are being demeaned, and not taken seriously, but you KNOW you have a stand, or opinion, on something... XPRESS yourself!  Don't be afraid to use your voice, to speak out, to be different, to rebel, and to take risks!!  If you have already done this, then I say "TAKE IT TO THE MOST HIGH IN HEAVEN!  SHOUT IT FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR HEART!  CALL OUT TO HIM TO BE YOUR VOICE, TO GIVE YOU VOLUME, AND TO CHANGE HEARTS THAT NEED CHANGING!"

Today I ask you to pray for our legal system, our courts, our leaders, and children who are suffering around our great nation due to the apathy, and liberal views, of those in authority.  I ask you to pray that God give these children, and all involved with their cases, a VOICE, and strength to make it through.  I also ask that you pray that He soften the hard hearts of many of our judges, and that He open the minds (and not the pocket books) of those working in representation of these children.  Also, that He reward those who's hearts are truly in this for the safety of our nation's next generation.

If you are a young person, who's life is currently in the hands of an adult who does not have your best interest in mind, PLEASE reach out to your friends, or your local pastor (or youth director), and ask them to become your voice.  I know that, for some of you, there may be no way out, but you are strong, and you are loved by your Heavenly Father, and by people like me, who know what you have(are) been going through.  DON'T lose hope!  You will become great for His name someday. :)  God bless you, precious child of God.

God bless you.

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