Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello, Nobody!

Welcome to my page!  This is the first official post from this 'Teenage Nobody' and I'm glad you are reading! When I say 'Nobody'... that's not exactly what I mean.  This name is used as more of a statement in my blog than anything.   It's almost like a rebellion against today's low expectations in itself.  You see, in today's society, the teenager is no longer considered to be as 'responsible' and 'trustworthy' as in times past.  Now we're supposed to be P. Diddy boys with our shorts busting a sag, and slutty girls trying to see how many guys we can get to take a second look.  Is this really WHO we are??  In fact... are we behaving like we even know WHO's we are??  No!  We continually live our lives at the slow, slow rate of low expectations.  Who's going to break the mold?  Are you going wait for someone to do it for you?  How low are you going to allow yourself to drift before you hit rock bottom and decide the world is wrong??  Even for those of us who are struggling to break the mold, the journey is long and draining.  When you have a million people telling you you're doing wrong, and only a couple of people truly supporting you, it gets tough.  If you're reading this, whether you're a 'history maker' or 'wannabe breaker', welcome to your new world of support.  If you want to XPress your feelings, ask a question, or get some advice from teens who know what you are going through and/or people who can help, POST A COMMENT!  We challenge YOU to BREAK the mold with us!  Find that new voice you didn't know existed and USE it!  XPress yourself peeps!  God's given each person a special ability, and THAT's your outlet!  Use what he's given you and reach others with it!  Join the millions of teens who are taking a stand against low expectations and find your VOICE!  It's in there, so don't be shy!  Yeah, you'll have rough days, in fact, you'll have days where you think this is a bunch of bull and you'll want to quit... but then... ask yourself, "WHO am I?"  Part of being an individual is XPressing yourself in your own unique way.  No, it will not be like the norm of the kids at your school, buy YES, it will be YOU!  Stop hiding behind today's trends that will become tomorrow's fiends and be that priceless, never outta style, YOU!  Will you join?

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